Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Something Different

I think it's time I took a break from showing you the fruit and vege quilt and do something completely different.

I am making something from the following objects - a foam ring, strips of brown fabric, and two circles. Any ideas?!


  1. A wreath allright...but with little fabricflowers?...can`t wait to see what you do with it and your fruit and vege quilt is going to be just beautiful...greetings Francien.

  2. Are you making a puff wreath? If you are, I have a dandy story about the time I made one of those and thought that was quilting....
    It turned out cute and I told everyone I had finally become a quilter...I got some strange stares...and didn't know why

  3. will you wrap the Styrofoam with the brown and then make yo yo's with the circles?? Sounds cute...
