Thursday, June 9, 2011

Birthday Party!

Yesterday was my friend Brenda's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is, but it comes somewhere between 45 and 47.

It's become somewhat of a tradition now for me to make her a birthday cake and have her come over for a little party, and yesterday was no exception. You can see past years' celebrations HERE and HERE.

I gave you a teaser of the day yesterday, so today is the whole story! I asked her the day before what her favorite kind of cake was and she said lemon, so lemon it was. But I was in over achiever mode, so I made both lemon cupcakes and lemon cheesecake!
The yellow on top of the cheesecake is lemon jello - putting jello on top of cheesecake is what we used to do in New Zealand, and it's quite nice as it eliminates the need for a fruit topping.

The really yummy bit of the cheesecake was the base - instead of graham crackers I used Ginger Snaps. Ginger + lemon = Yumminess!! I'll post the recipe next week and do a Tasty Tuesday post for you. It's actually incredibly easy!

I made the birthday girl a little mini quilt, just an 8 pointed star, and used my kind of fabrics but her kind of colors.
We have completely opposite tastes when it comes to quilting - she loves all things prim and country, and I love all things bright and eclectic. It was a stretch for me, but it ended up being something we both can agree on!

So thank you Brenda for having a birthday and giving me the excuse to make yummy food and eat outside!


  1. What a lovely birthday celebration for a friend (who is about the same age as me!) I'm not a big baker, but I LOVE lemon squares. What a great idea to substitute ginger snaps for graham crackers-- ginger and lemon are both good for the stomach! (1st trimester pregnant women take note!) Very nice of you to honor your friend's tastes and stretch yourself make something she would like.

  2. That is so special. Looks like you had lots of fun!
    Can't wait to try that recipe.
