Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Bed

Power tools can be a girl's best friend! I don't spend ALL my time quilting, and this is what I have just spent the last hour making...
Isn't that cool?! I have a corner in the back yard that I am transforming from a whole lot of nothing to hopefully something beautiful. This is how it looks right now...
Sorry, I don't have an "after" shot just yet! I have dug out a line of sod in a curved shape, and started to lay down weed matting over the entire corner. You can see just a little of it done right at the back by the fence. I'm then covering it completely with mulch. See all those bags? I will also have 4 garden beds in there. The one above is the first one. I will make 2 more just like it, and I have an old full size bedframe(double for down under folk) that I am actually going to use as a "garden bed"! Don't you love the play on words?!

I can't lay any more of the matting/mulch down until the beds are made and in place. I had plans to get them all made yesterday but then it rained...and rained...and rained...with more forecast for today, but there was a break in the rain so I ran out and made this one. Not 5 seconds after putting in the last screw, you guessed it - it started to rain again!

This thing is heavy. I went with 2x6x8's instead of 1x6x8's, so it's twice as heavy as it was going to be, but it sure is nice and solid! Now my only problem is how to get it from where it is, all the way into that back corner!


  1. We made two beds like this for our garden this year, planted them just over a month ago, and the plants are growing like crazy. I have actual tomoatoes, peppers and cucumbers growing, a first for me. Good luck on your garden!

  2. I need something like that for my strawberries that are taking over my patch of garden.

  3. We made a raised bed like that last year...and we love it!! Enjoy all those veggies! Do you compost? My 16 year old son built us a compost box and that has also been great. I also love the "garden bed" double bed--I have always wanted one of those. I have seen them around our town and they make me giggle!! One has a cut out of a person's head where the pillow would be. It looks so fun!
    Deb from
