Monday, June 6, 2011

New Fabrics

When we came home from the beach on Saturday we stopped in at a quilt shop, Portsmouth Fabric Company. My hubby was a little reluctant as he knows how long I can take in quilt shops, but when I told him it closed in 15 minutes he was all for it! Sure enough, I was in and out in 15 minutes and he was most impressed. I told him I shopped like a man!

I picked up some Kaffe fabrics in his newly released colorways (the shop carries every single one of his fabrics!)...
some oldies but goodies that I will use in almost everything I make...
and a couple of pieces of Anna Maria Horner's new line, Loulouthi. These two pieces are the real reason I wanted to go to the shop.
When I saw them online my first though was, "Oh wow, they are GORGEOUS! I NEED to get one of them for the border of my zig zag quilt". The problem however with shopping online is you never really know how true to life the colors are. On some sites they both looked brown, on others purple, on others red. I wanted to order 3 yards of whichever one I chose, but that's a big monetary investment in something that might not work for your project.

I was thrilled that the shop had them in stock! I bought 1/4 yard of each, bought them home, and auditioned them with my zig zag blocks...
The verdict? I don't like either of them with the blocks! The lighter brown is too light, and the darker one is too maroon. I am SO glad I didn't order 3 yards of one of them! I love shopping online - the fabric prices are better than brick and mortar stores, but sometimes nothing replaces the real thing, and this was one of those cases. I am still in love with the pieces I bought, just not for my zig zag quilt. I'm sure I will find something to make with them though!


  1. Oh that's too bad. It would have been the perfect border otherwise. Wondering what you will come up with instead! Hard to look at the Loulouthi without wanting to get some. Lovely fabric that I have been trying to resist. But, I know already that I will cave at some point...

  2. Lovely fabrics, whether they fit in current projects or not. They will always be used in something else.

  3. Love love love this LoulOuthi line. I agree. Neither piece works in that quilt but who cares? You can still use it. For a zillion things. ~a
