Friday, June 17, 2011

Pumpkin and Squash

Today I had an itch to start a new block for my fruit and vege quilt. And what is on this block?! If you read the title of this post you already know! Yesiree, pumpkin and squash. Or to be more exact, butternut squash and a sugar pumpkin.

Sometimes it can take me forever to decide on fabrics. I immediately settled on the Heather Bailey yellow for the squash, but the pumpkin took longer. I absolutely love the new colorway of this Kaffe fabric...
...but I'm afraid it looks too much like a tomato! I might just have to do a block with tomatoes on a vine and use this fabric. It's not in the plan I've drawn up, but plans can always change. The fabric I'll most likely go with is another Kaffe...
I also plan on doing some embroidery on a lot of these blocks. Eg in this block I would embroider veins on the pumpkin leaf, and ribs on the pumpkin.

Want to know something funny about this block? Look at the background. I ran out of it, or rather, due to some over-zealous cutting, I didn't have a piece large enough for this block. I went to two different stores to find more to no avail. My only other option was to use what I had and piece it together. Luckily the butternut squash covers most of the join, but look under it.
I think I did a pretty good job joining it up, though I'm not sure I would have been so particular if I knew it would be almost completely covered up by the squash!


  1. Youy're so good!I had to stare at it to see what the heck you were talking about! Like the non tomato pumpkin to, LOL!

  2. That is the best "cover up" I have seen in my live! So perfect that I had to look real hard to see the seam running down. Well done!!!!

  3. It is so interesting to see what fabrics you select to represent the fruits & vegetables you have been making. Fabrics that are not of the type I have in my stash but yet I am drawn to your use of them.

  4. Great save on the backing! Our quilt foremothers would be proud! Have you tried Etsy for the DS fabrics?

    Love the squashes and the second pumpkin fabric (looks like squashes within a squash!). That first fabric is definitely a go to for the future tomato.

  5. I could love some pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

  6. All I can say is...Girl You Got It Goin' On....I love the pumpkin and squash....I need your stash....that is for sure!

    Admiring Smiles,

  7. OK Orange rolls are awesome too! Thank you!
