Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quilting at the beach

My hubby usually works on Saturdays but he's taking every Saturday in June off and we plan on making the most of it! Today we went to the beach. We went to Ogunquit Beach in Maine, about 1.5 hours north of us. We had never been there before, but we will definitely go back - it was beautiful! There were two sides, a regular beach side with waves, and a calm quiet side (actually a tidal river) that was sheltered and perfect for kids.
Of course I had to take some quilting to do...
And the latest issue of Quilt Sampler to read...
I'm including this photo so you can see what my hubby brought along to read.
Look closely to the side of me - yes that would be a Sociology text book for school. I just know his sister reading this right now is laughing!

We took quilts to sit on...
We swam, dug holes in the sand, collected shells, and sunbathed...
It was such a fun day, and I even got to go to one of my favorite quilt stores ever on the way home...but I'll save that story for another day!


  1. I would think the water would be very cold on the Maine coast. Kids never seem to care though.

  2. Hi , gee if it wasn't for the houses in one photo that could be any beach in kiwi land. looks like you all had fun.
