Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teacher Gifts

Tonight I finished up our end of year teacher gifts. I really want to show them to you but one of the kids' teachers reads my blog on occasion so you only get a snippet until tomorrow!
It's always a dilemma for me when I make quilty things for other people as I get torn between making things in my style or theirs. I usually end up making them in their style with a twist of mine thrown in. I went quite traditional with these, (yes I do know how to piece and not just applique!) and the little bit of me would be the gold star points. Gotta have a little bling in there somewhere! I also went for a 4th of July theme since that's coming up soon. I don't normally make any kind of quilts for teacher gifts as they're so time consuming, but the Kindergarten teacher has now taught all 3 of our kids so she definitely deserves something more than the usual bag of fudge that I make!

I'll post them in their entirety tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the finished project, I have my fabric ready for my 4th of July Table Runner and I love your pattern.
