Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eric Carle

Early this morning (as in 6am which is really early for us) my awesome sister-in-law who is vacationing here with us, woke up the kids and drove 2 hours each way to Amherst Massachusetts to the Eric Carle museum. I had mentioned to her that he was having a book signing and that was all she needed to hear! She is a Kindergarten teacher in Utah so of course Eric Carle books are one of her loves in life! So the arrived, got in line with the masses of people...
Had assistants give them Hungry Caterpillar tattoos
... Had more assistants open the books ready for him to sign...
...and finally the big moment arrived...
What witty things do you think they all said to him? I mean, you are meeting a legend. You better have something good to say to him, after all, you drove for 2 hours to meet him. Unless you get star struck. Then the wittiest thing you can think to say would be, "It's nice to meet you", followed by 3 minutes of awkward silence while he signs your 15 books! Yes, taking the 3 kids might have served an ulterior motive since you were allowed to get 3 books per person signed!

And what was in it for me? Sweet sweet alone time!

The Eric Carle museum is beautiful - we went there a couple of years ago. You get to see his original pictures from his books - yes, even the Hungry Caterpillar artwork! They also have a craft room where you can make artwork just like his, using tissue paper. I highly recommend it if you are ever in the New England area.

1 comment:

  1. It's even earlier if you consider the person driving is on MST. Doesn't Eric look like such a cute little old man in his t-shirt and suspenders?
