Friday, July 8, 2011

Keepsake Quilting

Today we had another day trip with our guests. This time we went north in New Hampshire to the White Mountains area. We drove past the famous Keepsake Quilting and my SIL said, "Anyone who wants to go here better say so right now..." So of course I started yelling at her YES YES YES!!

I have mixed feelings about Keepsake Quilting. On one hand I love it because it's so famous in the quilting world, and it's just huge and beautiful inside. Even the bathrooms are pretty! On the other hand, they just don't have 'my' type of fabric. They carry more traditional and what I would call pretty fabrics. Not much modern stuff at all. You see a bolt of it here and there mixed in with other bolts. Still, it's good for the senses to be around all that fabric, and I did manage to find some things to buy! You can see me here with my bag of purchases outside the store...
Did I say you could see me? I meant you can see my eyes. That's what happens when you ask your kid to take your photo! Let's try that again...
At the end of the store they have a large room of clearance items and I found two older Heather Bailey fabrics for just $3.99/yard.
I bought two yards of each as they will be good for backings or clothes for my 10 year old girl. They have two large wire bins filled with scraps so I picked up a bunch of them which were 25 cents each.
As I do a lot of applique, scraps are fantastic for me.

I also bought 2 reusable totes with Kaffe Fassett prints. You can see them standing against the wall here...
There wasn't a single Kaffe print in the store, but they had his totes! I spent forever deciding which one to get, then I realized that for the sake of just a few dollars I could have them both!

If you're ever in the NH area, it's worth a drive to see it. Plus it's right next to a beautiful lake so the location is lovely.


  1. How interesting you should say that about Keepsakes Quilting. I had exactly the same feeling. A few years ago when we dropped off my son in Boston at University, I made my husband drive up there. And when we got there, I didn't know what to buy as nothing appealed to me. I don't know if it's the way the fabrics are presented. At that time, everything was according to colour and the fabric lines weren't kept together. It didn't help that DH kept on asking, why are you not buying after we came all this way ;). I did buy a few things in the end, but not as I imagines "truck loads" full.

  2. HAHA...I LOVE the photo of you outside the store! That put a smile on my face. We have a similar photo from when we stopped there on the retreat. I love Keepsake...there's nowhere on earth quite like it.

  3. That scrap right on top is an Amy Butler Soul Blossoms...such a shame to have a shop with that much fabric, and not enough modern stuff. I'd get the batiks there, after I gave that queen size batik for Zach for Christmas, Reon is itching for one for himself.
