Saturday, July 30, 2011

Quilt Shop Miscellaneous

There were a few interesting things I had wanted to show you from our quilt shop day on Wednesday, and now's as good a time as any!

One of the shops we went to is called Material Girls.
The have the cutest saying in the bathroom...

While inside it started to rain, and then even hail! I of course had to take pics (from the safety of the shop door!)...

Within a few minutes it had stopped as though it had never happened!

The next shop we went to is called Pine Needles...
While walking into the store we saw an adorable mother duck and her chicks crossing the road...

She then led them up this VERY steep hill...can you see them?! Look carefully!

Almost at the top...

Made it!

Where they went next I have no idea, but it sure was funny watching them follow their mother! After watching the ducks, my Twilight-obsessed daughter then noticed something I never would have...
Oh to be 10 again!

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