Friday, July 1, 2011

Tomato Progress

When I posted the tomato block the other day, I had lost the correct background for it. The background they were laid on was a different piece that was too small. I have hunted everywhere for the lost piece to no avail. I wasn't looking forward to trying to piece together another background like I did for the squash HERE. Two days ago we were getting groceries at a supermarket that happens to be next to Joann Fabrics where the Denise Schmidt background is from. (Denise Schmidt is the ONLY quilt fabric I buy from Joann's!) I popped in "just in case" they had some. I went to the aisle with her bolts and was so sad that they still didn't have any. Then I glanced down the the lower level of the aisle and just about screamed! It was there hiding with a bunch of completely different fabrics! 1.5 yards of it! Of course it came home with me, and now I have a new un-pieced background for my tomatoes!

Tonight I appliqued the tomatoes and started on the vine. You can see the difference in how the shape looks before and after the edges are turned under.
First it's a big blob, then all of a sudden it's a tomato vine! I should finish it up tomorrow.


  1. Glad you were able to find more of your background fabric!! (Now, most certainly, the missing piece will show up!) I love how you fussy cut the fabric for the tomatoes. I have some of the Kaffe fabric that you used for the middle tomato-- it is one of my all-time favorites (the name of it escapes me now). Thanks for showing your applique process-- now I can see the difference between when it is laid out and when the edges are folded under. I love your choices of bright colors and fabrics-- they are so fresh.

  2. I can't wait to see this one with all of the blocks together. Love the fabrics!

  3. Don't you just love a perfectly timed fabric score?! Great catch on that DS fabric.

    I'm loving the tomatoes and I'm with Anniebeez--will love to see all the blocks together when they are done. Keep up the harvest!

  4. I love seeing your block come to life as you needleturn. I think that is part of why I love doing needleturn, not only is there very little prep but it is fun to watch as you stitch.
