Friday, August 26, 2011

Bowl of Strawberries Done

As the post title above says, the bowl of strawberries is done! This, along with the tomato block, was one of the hardest, mainly because of the leaves. Those concave seams are a killer! Not impossible though, and incredibly satisfying when done.

Now that the strawberries are done, it's time to get this top put together. This however, will require a sewing machine, and that requires electricity, which might be in short supply with hurricane Irene set to hit our town on Sunday. I better get some more hand work prepared...stay tuned!


  1. Love the bowl, it looks very Japanese. Can't wait to see the whole quilt.

  2. It looks fabulous, I'm looking forward to seeing all the blocks together too.

  3. usual...such a gift you have. Enjoy your stitching tomorrow....far away from the storm....very far away please!


  4. It is so nice, the completed quilt will be very cool. We are also waiting for the storm in PA. Perfect sewing weather as long as the power holds out!

  5. Okay, I have to add my 2 cents. Your choice of fabric for the bowl is PERFECT!! It looks like a real bowl!

  6. Great finish! I love the blue & white bowl -- I used to love to collect blue & white ceramic pieces and this so reminds me of those.

    Batten down those hatches and grab your handwork, Irene is almost here too!

  7. You picked a great fabric for the bowl. The strawberries look delicious!
