Friday, August 19, 2011

Fabric Storage

I have been fast running out of places to store my current, what-I'm-working-with-fabric stash. (There are masses of other fabrics in boxes but we'll talk about that another day!) I have been using some plastic carts stacked on top of each other, right next to my machine where I need them to be.

They worked great, and I was able to have everything sorted by color. I had regular prints on the top half and polka dots on the bottom half. Yes I have a lot of polka dots :)

The problem was that some colors just didn't fit into skinny drawers, specifically the greens and blues, so today I was a woman on a mission. I wanted to find a tall skinny bookcase - skinny to fit in the space, and tall so I could fit more on it. Oh and it had to be affordable! I went all over creation to 5 different places but no luck! Finally I stopped in at the Home Depot 2 mins from my house and there was the solution. Plastic carts again, but with the fat drawers instead of the skinny ones! Perfect - lots of space, tall when stacked on top of each other, and best of all, at 12 bucks each, affordable!

Now I have the polka dots in with the regular prints, all by color of course, and there is more than enough room.






Why have I been fighting to shove things in the skinny drawers for so long when the answer was just 2 minutes away?!


  1. Joanna I went to the not so thinnish plastic drawers that are about 10 inches deep and 12 long. Well I have 8 of these drawers and blow me down I've filled them up so I think I'll have to go to the size you have. Mind you I also have 2 cupboards full also but don't tell my DH *wink*

  2. Love all those brights! Sometimes the solution to our problems is right under our nose...or someone else's nose 2 miles away. Anyway, love the new storage too.

  3. Great solution!
    And now we can see the beautiful fabrics even better!!!

  4. That looks like a brilliant and cheap solution.
    I pretty much have the same fabrics as you, in each colourway!

  5. Hey! this is obviously a universal problem! I have four of these plastic drawer units and STILL don't have enough space for all of the NEW fabric!

    I think it's time for a BIG quilt project to actually USE some of this stuff!! Lucky for me, a new baby is expected in the family (another great niece or nephew for me) so I will start immediately on making some baby throws, floor quilts, cot quilts, bed quilts and wall quilts!!

    To be honest, I think if you gave me a whole house lot of cupboards, I would still fill them with fabric! I wonder when my teenage son will move out????? He has a great walk in wardrobe:-)

  6. I'm a big fan of the clear plastic storage drawers as well I loved seeing all the fabric you had in the drawers, too! I also use ziploc storage bags (gallon and oversized) for upcoming projects, past projects and leftover or fussy cut scraps. Then I can move them around without making quite as much mess when I'm looking for something in particular. Your fabrics are so bright and gorgeous-- lifts my mood just looking at them! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love seeing all your pretty fabric sorted and ready for play.

  8. Looks great - I love organizing
