Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leaving On A Jetplane

We are homeward bound today and since we will be in airports/on a plane the majority of the day I thought I should sneak in my blog post early. Since I was so late last night and all!

Today I want to show you one of the greatest quilt related things my wonderful mother-in-law has collected. How many of you quilters remember the charm packs sold in the little tins? My MIL collected a bunch of them...
I sure am hoping these are left to me as an inheritance!! I could give or take the fabrics in the tins, but the tins themselves - be still my heart!


  1. Those tins are adorable. I collect tins old & new and those are "sweeeeet" Thanks for sharing.

  2. Happy travels and I look forward to hearing about your time back in the Land of the Long White Cloud, some pics too:)
    Yes I remember those tins, very gorgeous... What a great collection MIL has.
    Cheers, Margaret

  3. Be still my heart also!! I have collected a few charm tins, but not nearly that many.

    Enjoy your flight...it'll be a lot quicker than your drive to your MIL's!!


  4. Humph...I think those should be mine as they are NOT your style at all!
    LOLOLOL Just kidding I know they would be used by you in a fabulous way.

  5. ooops have been following along in the last few days and have just now realised when you said 'home' you meant back to your house...not all the way back to NZ. doh...I think it was the long plane journey part that made me think long haul flight, feeling a bit of a goose now I am.
