Sunday, August 21, 2011


I was asked in my last Seen-It-Sunday post where I get the ideas from. Two places - firstly, Pinterest. It is just absolutely fabulous! Run, don't walk, and get yourself a free account. It's like a virtual pinboard with thousands upon thousands of fabulous images, pinned there by regular people like you and I. Here's a screenshot of mine...

Secondly, I find things in blogland. I am subscribed to a ton of blogs and when I see something I like, I usually pin it on Pinterest, as that way I am linked back to where it originally came from and can find it again for your viewing pleasure!

And on with the show. No theme tonight, just random items I saw and liked.

First up, I am loving this improv quilt, as seen on Pink Chalk Fabrics.
I'm a huge fan of improv quilting, and contrary to some chatter in blogland as of late, I don't consider it to be the dumbing down of quilting. I need to concentrate harder when I make something improv style than with a traditionally pieced block. The genius part of this quilt? The little pops of mustard. They are subtle, yet unexpected with the color palette, which is what brings it to life.

Secondly, I loving this magnet board...
Wouldn't it be fabulous in your craft/sewing/quilting room? Or even your kitchen. LOVE it!
Instructions HERE.

And thirdly, I'm loving the look of these Hobo Eclairs...
I haven't made them yet, but next time we do a firepit, they're on the list! Instructions HERE.

We have one more week of summer fun around here until the kids go back to school. Fun Fun Fun!

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