Sunday, August 28, 2011


So what did I see this week? Not much on Wednesday with my bung eye. (Which is all better now thanks everyone!) And today, lots and lots of rain. A lady called Irene came to visit us, but by the time she got to our house, I think she was too tired from visiting the rest of the east coast to cause much trouble. Unfortunately, she got her second wind just one street over from us and there was a case of tree vs house...

Other than that, she came, and left rather quietly, leaving us wondering if she ever came at all??! You can see from this weather shot that she's all gone from our area now. We are near where it says, 'Manchester'...

Thank goodness she was quiet, and thank goodness she left quickly. I guess we must have been such boring hosts that she couldn't wait to get out of here. I'm so glad we're boring :)


  1. Glad to hear that Irene was almost a "no-show"! We escaped the majority of it where I am, but I know my state has places that flooded badly and some will be without power a long time. Still stay safe and well!

  2. You can definitely sing Good Bye Irene, Happy to hear she didn't do a lot of damage to your area.

    Do like the William Moriss.

  3. Glad to know you are all alright.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and that Irene didn't want to stay at your house. Wow, some people/area got hit. This was a huge storm, glad you are all ok.
