Thursday, August 11, 2011

Soft And Fluffy

Remember HERE when I talked about the Go Cutters that my mother-in-law had bought? Sofia made good use of the Go Baby while there. Her and Grandma cut and cut and sewed and sewed, and look at what they made together...
The best thing about the rag quilt cutting die for the Go Cutter is that it cuts all the tiny little raggy bits, so you don't have to cut them yourself. That's thousands of cuts done for you. If you, like me, have done that yourself, then you know how tedious it is and how sore your hands get! Grandma said Sofia spent 6 hours straight just sewing. She couldn't believe how long she sewed for and is pretty sure that Sofia will spend a lot of her grown up years behind a sewing machine. We shall see, but I wouldn't be adverse to that!


  1. She looks soo happy with her quilt. Thanks for sharing. That was one of the first dies I purchased, but have yet to use it. Bernie

  2. What a happy, happy girl!! You are so lucky! I haven't gotten that die cut yet...but now you are tempting me!!


  3. That is very lovely! Sofia must be so proud of herself - and Grandmother just as proud of her grand daughter!

  4. Me gustan mucho tus trabajos. Te felicito por ellos

  5. I love rag quilts but I saw the go cutter die and thought why would you bother. After seeing this quilt and the comment you made about not having to make all those cuts, it makes perfect sense to have one, doesn't it! Well done Sofia, it's a gorgeous quilt.
