Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 Quilts Done

I have quilts finished! Woo Hoo! Basting, quilting, and binding is done. I decided to spray baste these ones and it worked out wonderfully. I will be doing a lot more of this in the future!

These two quilts are ready to be shipped off to Washington State to my cousin's wife who commissioned them. Once her 'project' is completed in a few months I'll be able to share the entire fronts and you can see the applique I added!

Between sewing up 90 yards of fabric into curtains, and making these two quilts, I've had quite a busy week. I think tonight I'll take a break :)


  1. Way to go. Feels good doesn't it? Hugs

  2. Well done!!! What a great and busy week you had, and you managed it very well.
    Lovely fabrics used in those quilts, and great quilting done on them. Can't wait to see the whole of the quilts!
