Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bears are Done!

Yes, I know, it's the announcement of the century - I have finished the bears I was commissioned to do! I have have a ton of fun making them but I am all mohaired out! Time to start back on my own stuff.

Since I've just been working all day on finishing up the bears, I have nothing fun an exciting quilting related to show you. BUT I am going to point you in the direction of a giveaway...oh yes, the magic word, GIVEAWAY!!

My friend (in real life even!) Laurie made a Birdie Sling bag and is giving it away.

I don't even get extra entries for blogging about this - I just really needed something to blog about today, and well, I really like Laurie (she came and quilted a quilt at my place back HERE).

I know it's lessening my chances of winning, but oh well - have at it!

You can go enter her giveaway at her blog HERE.

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