Friday, September 9, 2011

Denyse Schmidt Fabric - Sugar Creek

I must be under a quilting rock lately because it wasn't until just a few days ago that I heard about the second line of fabric, Sugar Creek, from Denyse Schmidt at Joann's. I happened to be in there today buying needles and decided to poke around and see if they had any. Indeed they did!

I bought just 3 pieces, the ones that appealed to me the most. They are really lovely. I think I like them even better than the Picnic and Fairgrounds lines. Now to figure out what to make with them. Until then, into the stash they go!

And yes, since I was out and about at Joann's, my back is feeling a lot better. I love modern pharmaceuticals! And a bit of praying didn't hurt either :)


  1. Oh they are lovely! I need to go look for those.

  2. They're kinda cute, in a "what are you thinking? You're blinding me with the brightness!" kind's a way... But I can see how they would work in your stash. LOL!

  3. Glad you are feeling better. I suppose the "retail therapy" also did some wonders *wink*
    Lovely fabrics!

  4. Wow-- those Denise Schmidt fabrics really are great!! I think even better than the first line, too. Glad you were able to get out (Joann's is so much fun). Have a great weekend!

  5. I really enjoy your blog as I learn to appliqué. When you buy material without a project in mind, how much do you usually purchase?

