Sunday, September 25, 2011


I have some fun fabric things to share today that I've seen through the week.

First up is a trio of repurposed frames my dear friend Shannon thrifted, painted, and put to use...

She is so creative and talented! She is new to quilting, but she designed and made that appliqued birdcage in the middle frame. She is also a frequent blogger, and organization expert! You can check her out HERE.

Next up is the most adorable wreath...

I am on such a wreath kick lately, especially now that I have a nice new front door instead of the old ugly falling apart one! Can't you just see rummaging through your fabric scraps and making a bunch of rosettes and putting them on a wreath? So lovely! You could even color co-ordinate them for different holidays. And we all know holiday season will be upon us before we know it! Original post HERE. If any of you are in the NC area, there are classes at Karen Gray's quilt shop of making these! I'd be there in a heartbeat if I lived close!

Lastly, check out these cute headbands...

Amy of Vintage Fern had her daughters make a bunch of things to sell at the shows she is a vendor at, and the headbands were one of the things her girls came up with. What a great Mom! You can see these and the other cute things her girls came up with HERE.

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