Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thrifty Thusday

While in the thrift store yesterday I spotted something hiding in the corner. I didn't know it was a quilt rack, I just saw the fancy scroll work and was attracted to it. Then I realized it was a quilt rack and that was it - it HAD to come home with me! I've seen many quilt racks in thrift stores and have always avoided buying them because we just don't have a lot of room in the house for one. But I have never ever seen one like this, and well...I will make room!

It's obviously done by an at home handy-person. It's not perfect, and I will need to finish it, but some primer and paint will make it look beyond gorgeous! I paid $8.99 for this beauty, more than I usually spend on anything in a thrift store, but sometimes a girl's just gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Stay tuned for the finished product over the next few days!


  1. It's beautiful & the price was right!!!

  2. That is a great find--it was meant to yours!! :-)

  3. LOVE IT! What a great find, and please for $8.99 it was a steal. I'm sure you will paint it some lovely color.

  4. I could not have left this behind either! So pretty - can 't wait to see what color you choose.

  5. You obviously have much better "Thrift Stores" (we call them "Op Shops"!) than we do in Australia! I'm often amazed by the bargains you go girl!

  6. Now you know I was in the thrift store today, too, right? I got a few nice tops, needed gymnastics outfits, got those. The best buy today was a Disney Princess sleeping bag with pillow attached. Nothing like that SCROLLwork quilt rack! You know it needs to be teal blue. ~a

  7. Its beautiful and the work that went into it. You have to wonder why anyone would ever want to part with it. Nice find!

  8. Lovely piece! That is gorgeous. What a real treasure!!!
