Monday, September 12, 2011

Two Quilt Tops

I finished up the piecing of the two quilt tops for the contract work I'm doing.

They are quite simple, especially the one just made of squares but they are going to be made spectacular with the addition of some applique! That's super secret for now, but I'm really excited to get working on it. I'm sorry I can't show you more just yet, but I just wanted you to know that yes, I am still on track for my sewing every day goal I made back HERE on January 1st. I can't believe that the year is 3/4 done, and that this time, I might actually complete my goal!


  1. both quilts are already beautiful without anything extra....can't wait to see them finished. Wonderful!

  2. I´m so glad that you made that commitment!!!
    Used to read your blog, but it was so long time between your wrightings so I´we missed you!!!
    So much nice work from your hands and we both seems to like Kaffe Fassetts fabrics.
    The new ones are going to be great!!
