Monday, October 17, 2011

Mean Quilters

Do any of you read and love Jacquie Gering's blog as much as I do? I was following her when she was just starting this whole blogging thing and am amazed at how far she has come. She is a true leader of the modern quilting movement and I truly admire her.

This afternoon she linked to another quilter who was less than pleasant about Jacquie. I won't link to the quilter - you can visit Jacquie's blog if you want to get there. I did leave a comment. It's just so sad when we as quilters feel the need to criticize another fellow quilter. Kinda goes against the whole premise of quilting - to comfort and keep warm. I mean really, can't we all just get along?!!!


  1. Yes I saw that post and also all the comments left by others. Permission should have been asked to use the photo and other photos included in the post, more importantly, her opinion could have been voiced using much less inflammatory and derogatory tone and words.
    I don't agree at all with the opinion expressed in the post by the quilter. On the other side, a lot of the comments were very very rude and in fact I think quite a few were worse than the original post and quite vitriolic in their tone.
    We should be able to have differing opinions and I think we should learn to either be polite to each other and agree to disagree or if we can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.

  2. While I thought that the post was inflammatory like Marg I was equally appalled by some of the comments left in response. I especially dislike nasty sentiments expressed behind the "anonymous" tag...

  3. I didn't see the post...nor do I care to...but some of those comments were real doozies. I understand where the comments are coming from though, but the original post? Maybe things aren't going well for her? Regardless, sounds like whatever she posted was uncalled for.

  4. I missed all the hoopla. Not such a bad thing--I am sure I have more than enough drama in my real life. Some people simply need to get a life.

    I wanted to tell you that you inspired me to machine quilt my first real quilt! I have done some quilting of smaller wall-hangings, but used your basting tutorial to get a quilt done! Well, almost. I have pieced lots of quilt tops, and made tons of rag quilts, but have never completely machine quilted a quilt. This one was 60 x60 approx. Not terribly fun to force through the little Brother domestic I have. I am sure my technique leaves much to be desired but I DID IT! Thanks. I left some comments on your basting tutorial, too.

  5. Oh, and I mangled my finger and bled on it (learned that hydrogen peroxide takes bloody fingerprints off white fabric....) so I am a REAL quilter now. :)
