Saturday, October 29, 2011

Power Interruption

Power interruption is a nice way of saying aaaarrrrggggghhhhh the power's out!!!! We are experiencing the worst October snow storm ever on record here in New England. The most snow recorded in October has been 1.5 inches and they're predicting a foot by morning! The tree branches are nearly touching the ground with the weight of the snow and it's cold but even with all that, there is much to be thankful for. I'm glad we have full cupboards, and I'm glad I bought candles today! Most of all, I'm glad our house is full of quilts to keep us warm! Oh I'm also glad my phone was charged fully before the power when out as it is what I am posting from right now! As such, I have no pretty pictures for you, but I must say, the scene outside right now is breathtakingly beautiful. I'm off to bed. Such an early night for me! I hope you are all warm and safe wherever you are.


  1. I feel bad for you, this shouldn't be happening until January.

  2. Oh poor you! But to be honest; I think I would swap with you without hesitation. I'm so over the heat here all the time and some snow sounds wonderful. Keep warm and safe!

  3. Yes, it was quite a storm. We lost power, too. My nephew's b-day party was yesterday (and my sister didn't cancel)-- it took us over 2 hours to get home (when usually its only an hour). Thankfully, my car (Ford Edge-- its a crossover) did great-- everyone else was slipping away. Had to stop a number of times for downed limbs-- luckily, the town crews were out with their chainsaws and cleared things up rapidly (Wish I took photos, but I jumped out to help remove the smaller limbs.) It was beautiful, though. I have to download (upload?) my photos and maybe post some.

  4. Power can be a pain, good you had plenty of quilts!It is not only the month for Halloween, but breast cancer awareness month!!! Treat yourself or a loved one because you care! I am just stopping by with a reminder to do your self breast exam.
    Here's a fun place to start! Everybody loves boob lube!
