Saturday, October 1, 2011

Threads, Threads, and More Threads

Today I spent some time quilting the fruit and vege quilt again, and I now have all the background finished and have started on the actual fruits and veges...

The quilting is the fun part, but wanna know the worst part? See all these threads...

When all the quilting is done I get to thread each one of those hundreds of threads onto a needle and bury them in the quilt. Oh how I hate that part! A good long movie should help help the process go a little easier. Kind of like folding laundry!


  1. That does seem a lot of work and I am ashamed to say that I always just cut them off. Now am wondering what I have done. Will my quilts all unravel in time? Oh dear me what have I done.

    Your work looks lovely.

  2. I really can't wait to see it...

  3. This looks fantastic! It's going to be stunning.

    I can completely appreciate all those ends that need sewing in...all I can say is thank goodness for self threading needles!

  4. That is the worst part of them all! But after that, it is just the binding and you're done!Can't wait to see the final product.
    I am with Jane - thank goodness for needles like Clover Cheater Needles!

  5. This quilt is coming along so nicely. Enjoy a good chick flick and then you can enjoy this beauty forever.

  6. Hi there,
    Lovely blog, your time and patience to bury the threads will be well worth it, a Lovely quilt in the making.

  7. Ugh, I hate that part too! Sooooo much it makes me wonder whether I should have just hand quilted after all! Looks absolutely gorgeous!
