Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5th Grade Quilt

Somehow I've done it again - volunteered myself to do something which will take multiple hours! This time it's a fundraising quilt for my daughter's 5th grade. They are going to something called Nature's Classroom in April where they sleep in cabins for a few nights and the week is dedicated to fun learning about nature.

We had the idea to get the art teacher to have the 5th graders make nature themed quilt blocks. I am amazed at what they came up with...
That's just a sampling of the 60+ blocks I have.
This quilt is going to be fabulous! Next I have to heat set the crayon drawings, then I can get sewing. I'm excited to see how it will look. No doubt you'll be seeing a lot of this over the next week or so!


  1. This is going to be a very interesting project! Hope for many productive houers, and lots of fun!
