Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

How many of you got up early this morning and braved the crowds to nab some bargains?! My hubby and I did! Our local YMCA offered a service to members where you could drop off your kids from 5m-12 noon for free so you could go shop. You better believe we took advantage of that!

I managed to spend a whopping $25 at the mall. I know, how pathetic is that?! Hubby spent considerably more, but that was for birthday and Christmas pressies. We then went to Joann's and that's where I really had fun. When there's 60% off quilting/cutting instruments, a girl goes kinda crazy!

I bought (or rather my hubby bought, as when I went to pay, he payed instead. Love him!) a new large cutting mat, replacement rotary cutter blades, new little sharp scissors, left handed scissors for our daughter since she's a lefty, thread, a small rotating cutting mat, and a king size batting. The 80% poly/20% cotton battings are my favorite and all I use.

I must say, walking around a busy mall at 5am when it's still dark outside is a rather surreal experience! It was nice to do it with hubby this year as other years one of has stayed home with the kids. We were also to have a nice breakfast together at I-Hop. It turned out to be a wonderful date, even if it got light as the date progressed rather than getting dark like our usual night time dates!

And how did the kids do? Great! They were the only ones there for 3 hours - the other parents didn't take their kids until 8.30. Waste of valuable babysitting time if you ask me!

Did you snag any good bargains at 5am?!!


  1. hahaha... "waste of valuable free babysitting time". Yep, I would agree. Happy to read you found some great buys. Now when you figure out that stupid spinning mat you call me so I can bring mine over and you can teach me how to use. it.... It SOUNDED like a good idea, then when I went to use it it didn't really work out for me, But you do know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so I might just be in need of some "expert level" directions (what else is new, huh?). LOL!

  2. I got the day off work so I spent my time quilting! I finished one small hand quilted piece,got the binding on, pieced a little door banner, and supported my LQS's. It was a great day for me!

  3. I think it feels really indulgent buying yourself nice new quilting tools! Your stash of goodies looks great!

  4. I stood outside Target with my daughter in the cold at 11pm until they opened at midnight...She was determined to get two iPod Touches for her kids for Christmas...SUCCESS!! felt so good...

    We also did some Walmart shopping...I got two bikes for such a great price..

  5. Ohhhh..... if you haven't had a rotating cutting mat before now... You will love it! At least I do mine! So handy to have when you are cutting blocks and all. Just great! Aren't hubbies sweet? So nice and supportive in our craft. Yep nothing like having good tools to go with the fabric.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished make over of your daughters room. I have a bunch of retro sheets... but they are mostly solids with a floral design at the top 8-10 inches. If you would like them... you are welcome to them. Give me a shout at
    We don't go shopping we go Christmas tree hunting in Idaho (we live in Utah)... and there was all sorts of snow! Cold, frustrating a bit (some of the cars in our group got stuck off and on) but all in all a great adventure each year! We come home with lovely "fresh" tree's. And sure it costs us in the gas, but what's that commercial say, ..... time spent with family... priceless!
