Monday, November 28, 2011

Not Quite Done...

I had promised you before and after pics of Sofia's bedroom makeover tonight but of course life happened and the room isn't yet done! We took the birthday girl out to breakfast at IHop this morning and my plan was to then come home and work all day while hubby took her to Boston for the day. However, during breakfast I got an unexpected phone call from a principal of a local school asking if I could come and interview for a lunch monitor position. I said sure, when, and she said asap. So within the hour I had interviewed, got the job (yippee!) and started the long paperwork process. It's just a couple of hours a day which is exactly what I want.

Anyway, that pushed back the painting a few hours, and now it's after 11 at night and it's not done. I plan to paint through the night and surprise her in the morning. As usual, the prep work took most of the day - patching and sanding holes, repainting the baseboards and trim, and now cutting in with the new paint. The actual rolling on of the paint won't take long - I always think of it as the reward for all the prep work!!

So far this is what we've got...

See all the priming/patch work that needed to be done?!!...
And now, during...

"After" pics tomorrow for sure!

In the meantime, she's moved most of her "stuff" into the living room. This is what we're living with until I get it done...


  1. Goodness me! Hubby is keeping your girl busy and you are doing the paint work? How does that work?
    I am sure you will be very glad once the living room is back to normal again.
    Enjoy the painting, and tell us how your girl reacted to her new room!

  2. Pretty new paint color. Look forward to seeing the new room.
