Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Toolbox

My hubby took Sofia on a daddy daughter date tonight - they went to the mall and he got a haircut while she got her very first ever manicure! They came home and he had bought a present for me - he handed it to me outside in the dark and said it was a toolbox. I said oh gee thanks honey. Then we got inside and I saw that this wasn't just any old toolbox - it was a beautiful and wonderful girly PINK toolbox!!

I thought how cool is that? I can put my hammer and screwdrivers etc in here and look girly at the same time! Then I saw these...

and just KNEW that they needed to be filled with these...
Say hello to my new sewing box!! I love my hubby who keeps me on my toes with thoughtful gifts for no reason!


  1. Awesome!! What a thoughtful guy!! Enjoy your new sewing box!!

  2. What a great gift. I am looking for a sewing box for my son, who is studying costume design. I think I may need to find one of these, but maybe not pink!

  3. Oh oh oh, I want one TOO!!! :) It's PERFECT! :D

  4. I love it and would love to have one too! What a lovely gift from a great husband!

  5. I LOVE it! What a great idea to use it in your sewing space! I want Craftsman tool chests to use in my studio, the kind with the ball bearing drawers...ahhh.

  6. I like sewing tools much better than garage tools! LOL

  7. Your man is a keeper, I always tell you that. What a super idea

  8. LOL!! I had to laugh out loud when I read your post. You and I are "cut from the same cloth" as they say!!

    PS: You have the sweetest husband ever!!
