Friday, December 2, 2011

Craft Fair Goodies

Tomorrow (Saturday) our school is having it's annual Holly Days Craft Fair. My girl Sofia is having a table all of her own to try and make a little money. We decided that hair accessories would be easy and fun for her to make. Of course I have done a lot of the work, but she has made some of the yo-yos, both cutting out the circles and sewing them, and she also did some of the attaching/gluing. We have a ton of headbands and sets of clips like these ones...

We both love everything we made and will actually be quite happy if there are lots left over so we can keep them - I'd even wear them!


  1. You do nice work! Thanks for the great idea of yo-yo hair clips! I have multiple nieces with long hair so I think I'm gonna have some fun making yo-yo hair clips as stocking stuffers. :)

  2. I love that you foster her entrepreneurial spirit. Hard work is always the foundation of success so I think she is well on her way. Have fun today!

  3. Hey! Didn't you have another kid with a birthday this week? You don't answer your phone so I can't get good updates.
