Monday, December 12, 2011

Giveaway Day

OK folk, the Sew Mama Sew giveaway week is over and after asking my hubby to give me two random numbers, the winners are....drum roll....

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm who said...
Thanks for the giveaway, those bells are lovely. I love Denyse Schmidt. I know there are so many great designers, but I love her works the most. Thanks for the chance to win!


kblaxall who said...
I adore Bonnie and Camille's Ruby or Bliss, but my favourite is Kate Spain's Central Park. I scoured the net for weeks trying to find a layer cake recently and managed to find one which I am holding onto like a Prized possession! Thnaks very much for the beautiful giveaway. I am new here, but have become a follower as I heart applique and you designs are so cute!

So congrats ladies, I have emailed both of you! If I don't hear from them by Monday I will draw new winners:)

Thank you to every single person who commented. I started replying to everyone, then there were just too many and my life was crazy busy this week, but please know that I read every single one and appreciate the time you took to comment.

Welcome everyone! I'm guessing the majority of you visiting today are here from the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day, so come hang out for a while, have a look around, and enjoy. Welcome also to my old faithful readers - I appreciate you all!

I love to applique. I have tried most every kind of quilting, and there are many I enjoy, but applique, and more specifically, needleturn applique is my one true love. Other than my hubby of course!

I design most of the quilts I make, so I drew up a Christmas themed applique for Giveaway Day. Christmas bells and holly! Time is short right now - you know, with Christmas around the corner and all, so instead of needleturning a quilt with the bells and holly I raw edge machine appliqued three sets to a tea towel for my kitchen...
On offer today for you are three things.

Firstly, something for every single one of you, just for visiting my blog - a free copy of the bells and holly templates to download. Just click HERE and download away! You don't have to even use the pattern to make a tea towel with. I used it yesterday, HERE, to make some quilted Christmas ornaments...

Secondly and thirdly, I have put together 2 kits with everything you need to make your own bells and holly tea towel. This means I will have 2 winners! Yippee! I have a white tea towel kit...
...and a green tea towel kit...

There are no bells and whistles to jump through to enter. You don't need to become a follower or even tell anyone else about it! Just hang out a bit, check out some of my other posts and tutorials if you want, and leave a comment on this post you are reading to be entered to win.

Just to make it more fun, answer this question in your comment...

Who is your favorite quilt fabric designer, and/or what is your favorite quilt fabric line?

I will draw 2 winners randomly, and yes I will send internationally.

As usual, make sure I can reach you through your comment, either by having an email linked through your name, or by actually typing your email into your comment. The winner will be drawn Friday night and I will ship it out on Saturday (If you send me your address quickly!) so you will receive it in time to make it for Christmas. (It doesn't take long - 1 hour tops!)

Good luck and happy Giveaway Day! Don't forget to download your free pattern HERE!


  1. I can't really name just one designer or collection I'm afraid. I'm a fabric junkie and buy way too much. But my fabric keeps me happy - I'm sure you understand.

  2. So hard to choose cause I think I have quilter's ADD but I do like French General fabrics.

  3. Hello Joanna, Nice giveaway. I usualy work with all fabric i can find in not a lot!!!!I'm buying them in france eatch time I'm going their.
    I love your blog and all your creations.

  4. Hi, I love the Ruby by Moda, and sins I'm do a lot of needle turn aplique I love the Blackbird designs :o)

  5. My new favorite fabric is Gallery Fiori. But I love them all! Thanks for this great giveaway, I've been a reader of your blog for awhile.

  6. The Christmas bells look good in your chosen fabrics for the tea towel. Very fresh looking but yet holiday in theme.
    My favorite fabric designers are Brannock and Patek.

  7. lately, my fabric designer is kate spain and terrain, but good fortune will be released soon and that will probably take over!

  8. I like Riley Blake a lot :) Thanks for the free template and the giveaway.


  9. I don't really have a favorite designer. I mostly make for other people, so I try to match the fabric with their personality. Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. Thank you for the free pattern!
    At the moment I'm loving Echo by Lotta Jansdotter!

  11. I love Kaffe Fasset. His quilts look so rich and luscious. The colors are always amazing.

  12. I love Just Wing it by Momo. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. I'm torn between Bonnie and Camilla and Fig Tree Designs, but there are so many lines I love

  14. There are so many awesome fabric designers out there, I don't think I could choose a single source for quilting fabrics!

  15. I loves cute fabrics, especially from Ann Kelle.
    Thx for the chance to win ^^v

  16. I love Riley Blake, Michael Miller, Heather Ross and Amy Butler. There are so many more too. I can't possibly choose one line as a fave though lol. I love the kits and the green towel kit would be my choice.

  17. I can't name one designer or collection! I'm bad and don't tend to pay to much attention to the designers, so long as I like the fabric!

    Thanks for the giveaway
    Sarah @

  18. I love Ruby by Bonnie & Camille

  19. I love anything by Sandy GErvais, but Kate Spain has become a favorite of mine more recently. I am making a quilt for my baby girl to come with the Terrain line of fabrics, so loving the colors!

  20. I finally tried my hand at applique this year and made an advent calendar for my 9 month old grandson. I created a Santa's village scene with reindeers and houses. I put pockets all around the scene for surprises. It was a fun project to make!

    I don't have one favourite. I do like the many choices that Moda has.

  21. I really like Etchings by 3 Sister for moda... so cute!

  22. I love Laura Gunn fabrics. Lovely giveaway

  23. I love anything by Denyse Schmidt and anything by Heather Ross. Merry Christmas!

  24. No favorite since I use lots of thrifted or discount fabrics - love the bells though - thank you! roguekeri at live dot com

  25. Love the Blueberry Crumble line currently

  26. I don't really have a favorite. I like to come up with my own quilt designs that is one of my favorite parts :)

  27. I love Joel Dewberry's Meadowsweet line!

  28. I really like Heather Ross. Thanks!

  29. I don't have one favorite designer or collection. I favor whimsical prints but really I just go with what hits my fancy and depending on what I am making go from there.

  30. I love Kate Spain fabrics, especially Good Fortune and Terrain! Thanks for the chance :)

  31. I love Sarah Jane's Children at Play at the moment.

  32. I am drawn to everything done by Sandy Gervais. I love her line of fabric called Frolic from last year.

  33. I have a spot hat for the cat in the hat line by Robert Kauffman right now.

  34. Thanks for the free pattern and the chance to win.

  35. Hello! I like Amy Butler!
    Thank you :)
    mtrand2 AT gmail DOT com

  36. I am just getting into quilting - so cheap fabrics at the moment because i am still learning and am not very talented!

  37. I totally love Natalie Lymer's fabric range - Woodland by Cinderberry Stitches.
    Her embroidery patterns are awesome too.

  38. I am new at sewing so I don't know much about fabrics.

  39. I really love the new Terrain line, it's sooo lovely, I rarely buy fabric online as shipping makes it pricey but I may have to for this line:)
    Thx for the giveaway:)

  40. You are so brave to applique. I will download your pattern for future try at it. I would love to win one of your tea towel kits. No fave designer b/c they all have awesome designs. Thank you.

  41. Robot Factory by Caleb Gray for Robert Kauffman I believe. Anyway, as the mother of sons, I love it. It's just so freakin' expensive!

  42. I'm an equal opportunity fabric hoarder! LOL! froggygirldesigns at gmail dot com

  43. I love many, MANY fabric lines, but my favourites have to be Kokka and Echino--I just love the japanese prints!

  44. Another Heather Ross fan here.

  45. Thanks for the giveaway, those bells are lovely. I love Denyse Schmidt. I know there are so many great designers, but I love her works the most. Thanks for the chance to win!

  46. I don't have a favourite as I am a new sewist but i like Amy Butler and Alexander Henry.

  47. So many wonderful designers, bit I do love Aneely Hooey's fabrics. Glad to find your blog.

  48. I like Deb Strain and Heather Ross. Thanks for the giveaway.

  49. I love Bari J. I follow her blogs and am friends with her on Twitter and I just love her relaxed but colorful style. And she's super nice :)

  50. A.M.Horner's Innocent Crush is my fav line! :)

  51. THat is like asking me who my favorite author is! I really love McKenna Ryan's designs. I don't have a favorite fabric line. I find if I get too attached to any one thing, it goes out of print and I can't find it anyway. Right now I am collecting farm prints for an I spy d9p for my grandson-to-be, and really am fond of the photorealistic designs of Elizabeth's Studio.

  52. I love Heather Ross and Tula Pink and Anna Maria Horner... and anything solid.

  53. I love Ruby by Moda! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  54. I really love all the fabric lines from Fig Tree and Co. Thanks for the free pattern and giveway.

  55. Kate Spain, LOVE her!
    nikkipeachy AT yahoo DOT com

  56. What a great giveaway! I don't have a favourtie quilt fabric designer or line.

  57. Love that fabric and your free pattern.

  58. I don't have a favorite designer or collection. I am so new to this hobby I am still learning what the names are! Fun to see what is all out there, difficult to decide on a favorite, or even which to buy. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  59. thanks for the pattern. I was looking for a pattern to make some holly leaves and yours is perfect.

  60. I really like Ruby right now, great giveaway!

  61. Heather Bailey's Pop Garden will always hold a special place in my heart.

  62. Thank you for the time to let us have the patterns, I'm excited to make ornaments with the bell. My fave fabric line is Authentic by Sweetwater. I have loved everything they've done since as well. Hurray for applique...I love it too!

  63. Like the green toweling. No favorite designer - I just buy what speaks to me. I am partial to airplanes.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  64. Thanks for the download!! I love Kaffe Fassett, I think he's just brilliant. I also love a lot of Alexander Henry's retro fabrics too :)

  65. I love just about any fabric, but bright, happy colors are the ones I gravitate towards. I thought the lego fabric I just saw on Fabricpress was great! :)

  66. At the moment I love Kate Spain's Terrain :D
    Thanks for the chance!

  67. I am just learning to quilt so I don't really know a favorite yet. I am sure I will soon as I am loving all the unique fabrics available.
    laura.leahj@gmail dot com

  68. Kate Spain is my favorite right now although I think there are amazing designers and fabrics available and I'd love to have them all!. Thanks

  69. my favourites are Tanya Whelan and Amy Butler and I love japanese fabrics

  70. Kate Spain

  71. for some reason blogger must hate me. It won't link to my email, it won't show the word verification, and it has kicked out several of my posts! Here is trying again. Email is

  72. It's hard to choose but I really like Aneela Hoey, her designs are so sweet! Thanks for the giveaway.

  73. I really love Ruby! But I also like 30's repros. Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. Alexander Henry gets me every time.

  75. I like a lot of the Fig Tree lines. They're whimsical and fun.

  76. I love Heather Bailey and Michael Miller and Amy Butler fabrics. And a lot more!

  77. I adore Bonnie and Camille's Ruby or Bliss, but my favourite is Kate Spain's Central Park. I scoured the net for weeks trying to find a layer cake recently and managed to find one which I am holding onto like a Prized possession! Thnaks very much for the beautiful giveaway. I am new here, but have become a follower as I heart applique and you designs are so cute!

  78. My mom would love this kit. :D My favorite designer du jour is Laura Gunn. Her fabric belongs in an art gallery as far as I'm concerned!

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  79. My favourite fabric designer would be Sweetwater. I think that does count as quilting fabric, does it?

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  80. I love Prints Charming fabric!!

    xo Steph

  81. i am loving bonnie and camilles ruby it is so cute

  82. Thank you for the template :) I love any fabric by the French General for Moda. love your tea towels and enjoyed your blog. thanks!

  83. I loves Kate Spain..
    Thanks for the generous giveaway and a chance to win!

  84. My favorite fabric source is the thrift store, so I don't have a favorite! I do buy some new fabric, organic as often as possible. So many cute prints to choose from! Thanks for this chance. I love to decorate with holly!

  85. I like so many I don't really have a favorite but I do love Kate Spain.

  86. I'm new to the fabric world so don't really have a favorite designer, but I do like Moda's fabrics

  87. I usually buy just what I like, no matter who makes it :) But I do like Amy Butler.

  88. I don't know much about fabric designers - so far my sewing has been with fabrics from my local Fabricland, pretty generic. I love everything I've seen of Moda though! great giveaway!

  89. Laurel Burch fabrics are my favorites!! Actually Laurel Burch anything is my favorite. I even have a book of tole painting patterns she published back in the 70's or 80's!!

    Thanks for the great giveaway and the free template!


  90. Love the free template! I would love to learn to applique.
    Currently my favorite collection is blueberry crumble, but it changes frequently.


  91. I haven't seen it in person yet, but I am loving what I've seen of Good Fortune. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
    akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

  92. I really love all of Modas fabrics but I dont really have a fav designer

  93. I'd say it's Kate Spain--I love all her stuff! Thanks for the bell pattern--I think I just might make a couple of last minute gifts with it!

  94. I like Heather Ross, Far Far Away.
    jmclean at mts dot net

  95. I love Kaffe Fasssett's fabrics. They are so colorful and gorgeous. I would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for participating.

  96. I'd say currently I like Kate Spains fabric - especially Terrain and Flurry. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  97. I don't have a favorite fabric or designer. Like you I love needle turn applique, although I am experimenting with other forms of applique.
    Thank you for partipating in this giveaway - I like them because I find new blogs, like yours, to follow.

  98. Anne Sutton at bunny hill designs. love her new fabrics and her quilt designs are great

  99. Amy Butler. I love her fabric, her blog, her patterns...Thank you very much for such a lovely giveaway.

  100. I think Anna Maria Horner has to be my favourite. I haven't seen anything yet that I didn't like!

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