Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Good Shepherd

Every year our church does 4 performances of a live nativity for the public. Tonight we had our first 2 performances. Last year the kids and I were townspeople but this year my girl was an angel...

and the boys and I were shepherds. My boys...

and I...

Wait, you've never heard of a woman shepherd?! I'm not sure what was scarier. Me in costume or out of it. See below. Those of you who followed metal bands in the 80's, what singer do you think I resemble?? Take a look at these 2 pics and tell me which is which??!

Yeah, like I said, scary. Who knew my doppelganger was an aging 80's rock star?


  1. still chuckling, that's funny. But this is a serious question...who is that guy? I'm just curious cos I know a lot about music, I'm the person everyone wants to have on their music trivia team, but I have no idea who that guy is, give me a clue!! I know that's you second from bottom, I mean the guy in the bottom pic (just in case you come back with a bit of kiwi humour and say "it's me" LOL)
    Ps I know I'm going to feel very old when you reply ;-)

  2. Both simultaneously terrifying and hilarious! Seriously they made you a man shepherd? I'm sure there has been a woman shepherd at some point in time.
