Thursday, December 22, 2011

Not Quilting But Baking

I've been taking a break from quilting today and getting some Christmas baking done. See if you can guess what's first up on the list...

Gotta have something yummy to take to my fantastic new workmates in the morning since they've been so welcoming to me!


  1. Oh, are those the bars made with graham crackers (some use saltines), butter, brown sugar, then melted chocolate chips and chopped pecans? We call them toffee bars.

  2. As soon as I saw the first pic, I knew it was toffee bars. That stuff is so yummy! it's in the gift bags this year. Did you use saltines or grahams? I use multi-grain saltines (to pretend they're healthier). Love the salt/sweet combo!

  3. That looks just like the Chocolate Caramel Bars in my brand new gluten-free baking book from New Zealand. :-)

  4. Whatever they are, I wish one of those bags was heading my way! :-)
