Sunday, December 25, 2011


It's done and over...hooray! Santa came last night and even took a photo of himself in our kitchen with the bacon the kids left out for him, just to prove that he's real. Pity he's so bad at self portraits...

Kids are in bed and I'm having an early night! Christmas was lovely - very low key and relaxing. I was mean and made the kids wait until we got home from church at 1 to open presents! They were great sports about that though. I was spoiled by my hubby and friend Anna - I'll have to show you the amazing quilted pillow she made me tomorrow. LOVE her!!

Until then, I'm off to bed before 8 which never ever happens, and will leave you with some fun pics from today...


  1. Merry Christmas to you and all your family, Joanna!

    That croissant looks delicious!

  2. Merry Christmas from Hokitika, warmest wishes for the New Year to you and your family Joanna xx
    hugs - Miche'le

  3. Is that a cat on Santa's head??????
