Saturday, October 27, 2012

Costume Time

Halloween is fast approaching and with that, comes costumes of course! My almost 12 year old girl had very definite ideas on what she wanted to be, so we off to the fabric store and came home with the following...
Any ideas? If you need a hint, here is a picture of her trying on the base of the costume...
It will look much different when all done, but you'll have to wait a few more days to see!


  1. Hmm, I am thinking maybe she is going to be a peacock. Whatever it is, I am looking forward to seeing it. I miss the days when I made costumes for my children and now my son is getting his Master's degree in Costume design and construction!

  2. I never tire of seeing that sunflower quilt! Besides our twin pat Sloan quilts this is the second quilt I ever saw of yours. I loved it from the start and I knew we had something in common.
