Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One of the fun things about living in the U.S. is the way they celebrate holidays. My kids talk about Halloween all year long! FINALLY tonight was the night! We have a zombie, a peacock, and a graduate. What a crazy mix!
Sofia made her own mask and headband, and I had fun doing some peacock eyeshadow...
Last night at church we had a trunk or treat and looked who showed up...
Since it's an LDS church and Mitt Romney is LDS I must say it was a popular costume! (It was my neighbor's son who came with us!) By the way, since I became an American citizen this year, I went to City Hall last Thursday and I am now an official registered voter. But who am I voting for?! Hmmmm I'm not saying! I registered as an independent. I'm not even going to tell my hubby who I vote for!