Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Found Fabric

Do any of you 'find' fabric that you either thought was lost, or forgot you had bought? I did the latter this week. I was cleaning my bedroom and opened a box full of electrical cords and what do I see but a bag that looked out of place. Of course, I looked in it, and my heart skipped a beat - it was fabric and pieces of wool I had completely forgotten I bought at a quilt show 6 months ago!
Oh how I love it when that happens! I also have something fun to show you - I found these cards of ric rac at a thrift store just before Christmas. Check out the prices.
Thrift stores, especially ones run buy cute little nuns, are the BEST! As for me, what have I been doing? I've been a busy little bee. I've locked myself in my basement every day while the kids are at school and have been writing pattern instructions. It's a big investment of time but I'm loving it. I'm finally getting my designs down on paper. Stay tuned!


  1. found fabric! how wonderful! I usually have lost fabric.
    I love rick rack and to find it at a thrift store is sure a bonus!!

  2. Hooray! Exciting you are getting gritty with the pattern process. SCORE on the rickrack!

  3. Gorgeous projects on your blog, bright and beautiful truly :)

  4. I love that fabric with the typefont on it. Do you know what line it is from? I have an alphabet I spy I am working on and would love to find some.
