Monday, February 25, 2013


There's a new quilt shop in this little town of mine called Twill (find it HERE) and I'm over the moon about it! It's only a 5 minute drive from my house and I believe I've been there 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Best of all, they sell my kind of fabric, which in these parts is a rarity. Yippee! It's called Twill and is large, spacious, and modern.




There is a great cozy area up the front with couches and a coffee table which is usually filled with knitters stitching away, however, when I dragged hubby there last Friday on his day off, he was the sole person on the couches. I shopped and well, he did this...

 I think it's the best advertising for the store - I mean, they can say something like, "Our store is so great, even your husband will enjoy it!"

 Here are the owners above, Susan on the left who is the resident expert about fabric and sewing, and Sandy on the right who is the resident expert on yarn! Susan and Sandy are so friendly and welcoming and make you feel like an old friend. I'm excited to go to their Friday project nights, where you can take along whatever you're working on and have fun with other like-minded people. All for free! They also have classes which look interesting for both sewers and yarn enthusiasts. You can check out their website HERE and their Facebook page HERE

 I know it sounds like an advertorial, but I swear, I am receiving no form of compensation for this post - I am just so thrilled to have a quilt shop that I enjoy close to me!


  1. Twill is an interesting name for the shop. And interesting that they have fabric and knitting supplies in the same shop. The yarn colors look delicious. So nice that the shop is close to your home but maybe that is dangerous!

  2. WHAT!?! This is so exciting! I can't wait to come check it out!! We could meet up there. :)

  3. The shop looks gorgeous, lovely colours in the yarn ranges too. Only a five minute drive away is pretty cool. Nice when there is a chill space for the SO.

  4. Oh how fun and so great to have one so close. We don't even have a quilt shop in my town :(

    Hubby is so cute - you must have been shopping for a long time.

  5. This is cool! I am excited for you because it's true that there is not much modern stuff in your neck of the woods. Next time you go on a Friday night to hang out and sew - let me know - it would be fun to sew there together.

  6. wow! what a fabulous shop! I love that they have combined fabric and yarn as so many quilters are knitters too!
    Your hubby looks like he enjoyed his "couch" time. :)
