Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for BROWN

When deciding what word to do for the letter B today, the obvious choice, as a quilter, was batting. The ins and outs of different kinds...blah blah blah boring! Then I looked around me and knew what I wanted to do - the color brown!

When I quilt and decorate I naturally lean towards light, bright and colorful. No dark, drab, or prim for me, no siree! However, as I looked around at my quilts I saw a lot of brown - more than I thought I had. I find that the bright colors I love so much bounce beautifully off brown - it's a neutral for me.

When we first bought this house the first thing I did was paint the living room chocolate brown. I imagined my bright quilts against it, and for a couple of years it worked. Here's a glimpse...

I found though that for me, it was just too much brown, and it's now painted a light celery green.

 I do still have a fondness for brown though, as evidenced by the use of it in many quilts around the house...

I haven't used brown as much in the last few months. I find myself being drawn to a different neutral, gray. Bright modern fabrics look fantastic with it. Of course, there's always red...one of my favorite quilters, Freddy Moran, has always said that red is a neutral. Can't argue with that!


  1. I'm enjoying the pictures of your home and your beautiful quilts so much. I'll be checking back for the entire alphabet.

  2. I love your blogs, I have missed them. Yay 26 letters in the alphabet!

  3. another great show and tell post!
    I love the zig zag and the house espeically
