Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I belong to a rather international family...we are scattered all over the world and missing each other is VERY hard. It is, however, made much easier with things such as email, Facebook and Skype! I talked to my parents tonight on Skype - they wanted to say Happy Birthday, and as always, it was wonderful! And here they are in all their glory...

Gotta love 'em. They are both 79, soon to be 80. They've slowed down in the last few years but believe me, the wit, humor, and love are all still there!


  1. Wishing you a very happy (belated) birthday. Your parents are very youthful looking. I use Skype to talk to my Grammie Kirkby on a weekly basis, she is 90! I have an international family too....

  2. Congrats to another year!
    Skype is fantastic!
    Made me have good contact with my doughter when she lived in Ireland and now in another part of Sweden.

  3. So cool your parents can Skype! My mom still refuses to learn how to load and play a DVD.
