Monday, April 15, 2013


Today's 'M' post was going to be about Modern quilts, but after the events of the Boston marathon today it seems a little unimportant.

What do you say when your 12 year old, with tears in their eyes, asks you why things are happening closer and closer to where you live? She said Mum, there were the shootings in Connecticut and now the bombs in Boston. Is is going to happen here next? We live less than an hour north of Boston, so to a 12 year old, and indeed myself, a 40 year old, it certainly does appear that things are getting closer and closer to home. I used this wonderful quote from Mr Rogers...

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers -- so many caring people in this world." -Fred Rogers

 We watched the news together and I told her that even though there was one bad person who did the bombs (or more - who knows at this point?) to look at how many good people there were - not running away, but running to help.

Here is another wonderful gem from the fabulous Mr Rogers...


  1. This is a special blog and a superb quote. So hard to make sense of today let alone explain to a child. Thinking of you and your family. x

  2. What a terrible shock to this region!

  3. Yesterday was devastating, my daughter was volunteering at the marathon finish line and saw everything. She said it was surreal, I am so proud of her and the other college students with her for helping in the medical tent. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved and those injuries and the families of the victims.

  4. Thank you for posting this, your feelings about it and especially the quote. I'm borrowing it and posting to my family. We have family in Haverhill, fortunately all okay as not near at the marathon. But yes so close to home is really traumatic.

  5. Such a good reminder to look for the helpers...I like that.

    My thoughts are with your community and America as they deal with this sad time.

  6. My 12-yr-old wondered why there was so many more bad things happening. He is at that age where he is more aware of world events so is seeing them for the first time. I also told he Mr. Rogers quote. It helps to change the focus to the positive.
