Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sneak Peek

Wow I CANNOT believe it's been 5 months since I last blogged! It seems like the world is moving from blogging to Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, all of which I use and love, but sometimes you just want to say more than you can on those platforms. I just hope there are still readers around that still enjoy blogs. I must admit, I've hardly read any myself lately. Tell me, is it a dying art or do we just keep plodding along in blogland?

Anyway, I've had a busy few months - the kids and I took a much needed and longed for trip to New Zealand over the Summer which was simply amazing. I'll have to do a post all about that one day, but today I want to show you a sneak peek of my pet project from the past couple of months.

I've been working hard on transforming my basement quilting area from basement blah to fabulous! I'm almost there and already I feel inspired when I come down here.

I refinished furniture, bought new pieces, and best of all, painted the walls and put down flooring! All at budget prices. I'm rather frugal and enjoy trolling the thrift shops for bargains and making pretty things on a low budget. I could just go and buy ready made things, but it feeds my need to be creative by making unique items myself!

So first of all, this is the mess I was dealing with 'before'...

Admittedly, it looks awful and is such a mess! I had started to pack things up to move out so I could get the furniture out and do the floors. About half of what you see has gone and will never be back!

Now, this is what I get to see when I go to the basement...

And that's just one side. I have a lot more to show you but I need to leave something for another day, right? I need to show you the before and afters of the furniture re-dos. They are night and day! Plus the floor. Oh my lovely beautiful gorgeous floor! You can see a little of it here but I need to get pics with more of it in view. Hey anything beats concrete under foot, right?! Stay tuned!


  1. Lovely! And a whole basement just for you, I am green with envy.

  2. I have been waiting on you. Glad to see a post. I still love blog posts.

  3. Fun colors and the black/white flooring looks fab! I know what you mean about more people on instagram etc. I just signed up for it because one of my quilt guilds chooses to do more social media through instagram than blogging or flickr. I still like having a blog even if it's only me who sees it. ;-)
