Saturday, August 18, 2007

Got to start somewhere.....

What does one say to start their blog?! I suppose a big WELCOME! would be a good start!

I hope to stay inspired enough to write more than 3 posts (the most I have ever done on old blogs) and to provide some quilty entertainment!

I chose to name my blog "Applique Today" as I am an avid fan of applique and I need to look at that title to remind myself, "Joanna, Applique Today!" Each day I have is a little more joyful if I can applique - even if it's just squeezing in 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes add up though.

My technique of choice is needleturn. I never thought I would needleturn - it was a dirty word in my vocabulary! But after giving it a go, I discovered that it's so much easier to pick up a needle and fabric and do a few stitches by hand than it is to haul out a sewing machine and all that comes with it. Especially when there are 3 little kiddies in the mix! Plus I can sit on the couch, or in the car, or on the grass - it can go anywhere with me!

We just moved to our new home (not NEW new, just new to us!) in June and I am still unpacking my quilting supplies. The current project I am working on is a fundraising quilt for my daughter's school's PTO. The president of the PTO is our new neighbor so we have been bonding over selecting a design! So far a winter theme is prevailing. It has given me a great excuse to get those fabrics unpacked!

Now, I love love LOVE reading blogs with photos, so how can I not do that myself? The picture for the day is a closeup of a quilt I made for my dear friend Anna - needleturned and machine quilted. On my new Juki - LOVE that machine!

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