Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Apple Picking

Firstly, I must apologize for not keeping up with my blog this week. I've been super busy with the school bus training and between learning how to parallel park a 26,000 pound vehicle that's also 38 feet long, (surprisingly A LOT easier than one would imagine!) and getting up at 5am, I've barely had enough time to pee let alone post on here!

So I haven't had a chance to do anything quilty this week, but yesterday we did find time to go apple picking! It's a huge tradition in this part of the country, and the apple picking signs are popping up all over the place right now. So here are a few photos of the fun time we had yesterday. The one above is my kids posing with the field of sunflowers - but what you can't hear is them screaming through clenched teeth about all the bees flying around them! But hey it was a great photo op, and nobody was stung!

This photo is my youngest, Joaquin, and I just hanging out under the apple trees... The kids trying to reach some apples!

And above was a beautiful sunflower complete with a bee - I just couldn't NOT take a photo of it!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day.

    Aren't those days just precious?
