Monday, October 29, 2007

Busy busy

This has been, and is going to be a busy week for me, (my hubby has the week off - yippee!) so I will do some nice short posts without the usual monologue. OK OK I can hear you all yelling and cheering so I'll stop the writing and get to the photos of the day!
Above is a quilt I made for a friend who had a baby girl last year back in UT - now if you have had a look through my blog you will know that I don't do pretty and pastel. Even though I love pretty colors, when it comes to making quilts I am just so drawn to brighter fabrics. But I had this line of fabric and loved it, and think it is just perfect for a baby quilt.

And below is a pic of me taken yesterday wearing the jewelery my friend had made and given to me - see one of the below posts for more on that...and it was so lovely to wear! Big bonus - it didn't make anything turn green or irritate my skin so it must really be made of good stuff lol!! And by the way, my 4 year old son took the photo - hence the odd angle ;)
And believe it or not, for me this is a short post :)

1 comment:

  1. The quilt is so pretty! I am sure your friend was thrilled:)
