Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baby quilt


And after...
I know I promised last week to get a picture of a baby quilt top I was making put up....then 2 birthdays happened and I got dazed and confused - that's my excuse at least:)

But today's the day! My friend had her baby shower today and I finally got the quilt done. It included finishing the quilting at 2am this morning and finishing the binding at 10am as I was leaving for the shower, but it's done done, including the basting removed and tails cut off!

Don't you love baby showers?! Especially when like my friend, you already have 3 boys and this one was a girl! (the baby was born a month ago - I know, it took us a while to get our acts together!)

I can't take credit for the 9 patches - I got them in an internet swap on Pat Sloan's yahoo group about 3 years ago. One of the 9 patches in this quilt is even made by Pat herself!

Now I can take all my pumpkin stuff down and concentrate on Christmas. Yes I still have pumpkin quilts up. And it's December. Hope you have now had your laugh of the day!


  1. It turned out so great! How precious for your friend to have a girl after all those boys, LOL.

    I have one boy and three girls, LOL.

  2. What a lovely quilt. Yuo do such beautiful work. Your friend is very lucky!
