Monday, December 10, 2007

Sue Spargo's quilts

I am waiting for my camera to get back to me from the repair shop so since I don't have photos for you today, I thought I'd show you a quilt that I love - not done by me, but by the well-known quilter Sue Spargo (click on her name to go to her website!) I am completely in love with this quilt - the colors, the designs, just beautiful! Oh I can just see this hanging on my wall in my living room.

If you go here, you can see some her books/BOM's etc. Have a good look around her website - it's full of eye candy! No I'm not being paid by her - she doesn't even know I exist! I just love her stuff. Thanks must go to my friend Anna for reminding me about Sue Spargo and about how wonderful her designs are!


  1. Hi Joanna: You can break your camera anytime if it means posting pics like this Sue Spargo quilt - don't you just love her stuff? She inspires me and I'd say I prefer applique to piecing any day but the best of all worlds is a combination. Have read some recent entries of yours - think I will be adding you to my list of "must reads"
    Janet in cold and snowy Nova Scotia, CANADA

  2. What a beautiful quilt! The Christmas ornaments are cute, too...are they meant to stay ornaments or is it also a clever way to give fabric as a gift?

  3. Jo, did you know that Sue lived in SLC and taught classes at Quilts Etc.? I took a class from her, but did not see signs of her great talent then. Of course you like this quilt, it has a crow in it.
    Carmen in COLD Utah.

  4. That is a beautiful quilt, but I guess that's an understatement!
