Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Very Pink Valentine's Day

Today it is only fitting that we celebrate with the color pink!

Above is part of a block I have appliqued, with of course, what else, a pink heart!

And then we have the pink playdough I made today for my kids to play with. I grew up with my Mum making homemade playdough all the time, but I realized I have never made it for my own children! So today was the day and it was a HUGE success - they were completely overwhelmed by how much they had - not a little tub of it but a big bag-full!

And the most recent additions to my quilt room - some pretty little containers - and they were only $1 each so how could I stop at just one?! And my new trash can which is meant to be an umbrella stand, but really, isn't it the most perfect quilt room trash can ever?!!


  1. Those are great little containers. What are you going to use them for?

  2. Hey. I saw your comment on the AMH website that you are from NZ. I am from Australia but living in RI for 5 years now. What part of NH are you in?

  3. I guess its not going to give you my email so..

  4. The playdough looks like a lot of fun! What a clever Mommy you are!

    Love those containers! Where did you get them? Of course, we all need a trash can as big as an umbrella stand in our sewing rooms! I want one too!

  5. Very cute. Love the applique, too. And who doesn't love play doh? For Christmas I got a set of "weird scents" One was play doh. I love it.

  6. Love the applique! So what are you putting in all those cute containers?

  7. LOVE LOVE the appliqued heart.. it's gorgeous!!!

    The containers are so CUTE!!!
    And playdough.. gosh.. that's the best.. you never grow to old in playing with it!!

  8. Oh wow, such cute containers, and only $1!!! What a find! The boy's kinda cute too, and I LOVE the heart!
