Sunday, July 13, 2008


Don't you wish you could be a kid again sitting on the ground eating ice-cream?
And don't you wish you didn't care what anyone thought when you licked the ice-cream off your shoe?!


  1. What great pictures. Gosh, I miss those days when what was, just was. The innocence of youth. You made me smile. :o)

  2. Oh, that just made me giggle out loud. I was totally not expecting to see one of them licking their shoe!

  3. ROTFLMAO......

    I swear kids will lick anything....

  4. oh how i love kids and the awewome things they do...licking ice cream off of a shoe? great!!!!!

  5. If they kids are happy, it's all good! =)

  6. That's just GREAT!! I just love the pictures! I remember when my kids ate dirt at the playground! Those were the days. . .

  7. Beautiful pictures.....they look so carefree.....

  8. How funny! did he know you were still taking photos? My son used to eat popcorn off the video store floor (which was a catch 22... he was only about a year and a half and i wouldn't have ordinarily let him eat it but seeing he all ready was, I figured, I would get him his own bag instead of eating "someone elses"!)
    Looks like your vacation is lots of fun!

  9. Sounds like you all are having a great time! I love the pictures of your kids. Licking ice cream off his shoe...hilarious! Also loved all the vacation photos. Mount Rushmore is beautiful. Hope you get your quilt finished in time for the show!

  10. The ice cream and popsicle pictures brought a smile to my face. They are so innocent and it's unfortunate that we all to often lose that as we get older.

  11. Love the red quilt! And thank you for posting the pictures of all those quilts. I really enjoyed studying them.
